Category: JAVA

  • Lambda Expressions
  • JavaFX


    Kaynaklar This is a perfect playlist for learning JavaFX Hello window For creating a basic window. We can add a button to empty window: Button Click Scenes In this example, we change the scene. Message box We will create a separate window. Modality A stage has one of the following modalities: When a window is…

  • Multithreading


    Create Thread with Thread Class Create Thread with Runnable Interface Thread States Thread priority Thread Class What is a deamon thread A daemon thread is a thread that does not prevent the JVM from exiting when the program finishes but the thread is still running. An example for a daemon thread is the garbage…

  • OOP


    Basics Class & Object Abstraction Simple description of complex systems: Encapsulation Information hiding: Inheritance Take an existing class as a base and add new feature to it: Employe has got existing properties and behaviours of Person in other words Employe is a Person. Polymorhism Different results of the same action. All animals can talk() but…

  • Basics


    Installation Conditional Statements If, else if, else switch case Loops Strings Strings are immutable String Constructs String Pooling Java can hold same data in same memory position. == operator compare values of referances NOT actual text. String Methods Regex Arrays Methods Static & Non-Static Methods Passing Array We copy array reference Pass by Referance &…