Making Stylized Wall Texture in Substance Painter

I made some tillable textures on SP and I want to share the method which I use.


  1. Create a plane
  2. UV unwrap with 0 margin
  3. Duplicate the plane. (It is useful for detect errors)
UV unwrap with 0 margin
Duplicate the plane

Example 1: Brick Wall

  1. Add a flat fill layer.
  2. Add another fill layer with a different color. Add black mask to layer. Add noise and blur slope to the mask. Blur slope will give a nice brush effect
  3. Add more color variation with different noise/grunge etc. textures
  4. Add a fill layer and deactivate all material channels. Change blending mode to passthrough. Add HSL perceptive. We can change hue, saturation and lightness by HSL perceptive
  5. Add another layers with a brick generator. Use different color, roughness and height details
  6. Add another layers for height variation (maybe also for roughness). Actually we can use first color layers for this task
Add a flat fill layer
Add another fill layer with a different color
Blur slope will give a nice brush effect
Add more color variation
Add a fill layer and deactivate all material channels. Change blending mode to
We can change hue, saturation and lightness by HSL perceptive
Add another layer with a brick generator
Add another layers for height variation

Tip 1: Give attention to scale of the noise. It could be break the flow of the texture

Example 2: Vinyl siding

  1. Add a base fill layer and create some variations
  2. Add HSL perceptive.
  3. Add a brick texture and scale UV a bit
  4. Duplicate brick texture. Select less saturated (and maybe warmer) color. Increase gap Y parameter of the brick texture. Add more blur. Try different blending modes (I was use soft light)
  5. Add transform filter. We can control the position of the layer.
  6. Add some shadow with darker colors.
Add a base fill layer and create some variations
Add a brick texture and scale UV a bit
Duplicate brick texture and select lest saturated color
We can control the position of the layer by transform filter
Add some shadow with darker colors
  • We can use HSL perceptive for create different variations

Tip 2: Make uniform/balanced texture. Avoid unique things.


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