Delete C++ Class in Unreal

  1. close Visual Studio and UE4 Editor
  2. Remove the class .cpp and .h from disk in file explorer
  3. Remove everything in Game\Binaries
  4. Run GenerateProjectFiles.bat
  5. Open UE4.sln
  6. Get back to normal coding activity

Unrealda C++ Sınıfları Nasıl Silinir?

  1. Visual Studio ve UE’yi kapatın
  2. File Explorer üzerinden silmek istediğiniz sınıfın .cpp ve .h uzantılarını silin
  3. Daha sonra /Binaries klasörünü silin
  4. .uproject‘e sağ tık yapıp Generate Visual Studio project files‘ çalıştırın
  5. Editörü açın

Clean Project / Reducing Project Sizes

Upon opening a project UE4 will generate various files and folders if they do not already exist:

  • .vs
  • Binaries
  • DerivedDataCache
  • Intermediate
  • Plugins/*/Intermediate (any Intermediate folder inside a plugin)
  • Saved ProjectName.sln (only if your project has a c++ code in it)

These files and folders can be deleted to reduce the total size of your project when archiving, sharing and/or moving the project. They are often times also excluded from source control using a .ignore list for example.

The Binaries folder inside of plugins should not be deleted as they might contain pre-built libraries of which the source code is not distributed with the plugin and therefore cannot be regenerated on demand.


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